These updates are released regularly so that your computer is protected and issues you’re running into are fixed. If your computer does not get these updates, you run the risk of having your computer hacked or running into stability issues. That’s why Windows is configured for automatic updates. If you discover that your computer is not getting updated or not completing its updates, you should take care of it as soon as possible. We’re going to show you some steps below that you can take to help resolve the problem. There are many reasons Windows computers stop updating, but these few items should be looked at first before anything. If you get it right, it may be the only step you take to get your computer back to working again. To get started with fixing Windows updates issues in Windows 11, follow the steps below:

Free up drive space in Windows 11

Make sure that your device has enough space. Windows requires free drive space to update. If your computer is running low on free space, Windows updates will not download and install. You’ll need to free up some drive space to complete Windows updates. You can read the post below to learn how to do that in Windows 11 How to Free up Drive Space in Windows 11 – Website for Students

Repair hard drive error in Windows 11

Another common reason Windows updates files is because of a system drive error. If your computer has drive is not functioning properly, Windows updates will not install or will fail to download. To run disk repair, open click on Start and search for the command prompt, and then select Run as administrator from the list of options. When the Command Prompt app opens, type the following command, including the space as shown: Press Enter after typing the command. Repairs will automatically start on your hard drive, and you’ll be asked to restart your device.

Rename the software distribution folder

Another reason Windows updates will fail is if there’s a corrupt update in the software distribution folder. You can fix this by renaming the software distribution folder and running the update again. A new folder will be created when Windows updates begin to download new updates. To rename the folder, go to the Start menu and search for Command Prompt, then right-click the Command Prompt apps and select Run as administrator. When the command prompt app opens, type the commands below. Stop the Windows updates process Then rename the software distribution folder The start Windows updates process After that, restart your computer, then try to run Windows updates again.

Restore and repair Windows 11 system files

The last step is to repair and restore Windows 11 system files. If all the steps above did not work, they should be the last step to perform to fix this issue. Open the Command Prompt as administrator again, like the above steps. Then run the commands below when the command prompt app opens, After typing the command, press the Enter key. This may take a while. However, when the operation is done, you should see a message “The restore operation completed successfully” or “The operation completed successfully”.   Next, run the commands below Wait until the process reaches 100%, then close out, restart Windows 11, and try updating Windows. Hope these steps help resolve your issues. Conclusion: This post showed you how to fix Windows update issues in Windows 11. If you find any error above, please use the comment form below to report.